The book I want says "available at another library." How do I get it?

When you search our catalog, you can also see books available at every library in the Marmot Network. Here's how to get them sent to the Steamboat Campus Library for pickup.


If you're searching the catalog, the results will often show items from public and academic libraries all over the western slope of Colorado.  We can have those sent to us on a library courier.  Just click on the "place hold" button.

From there, a popup window will ask you to sign in.  You'll just need your last name (as it is listed in the CMC system), and your CMC ID number.

On the following window, make sure CMC Steamboat Springs is selected, then click on "submit hold request."

And voila! You've requested an item.  It should arrive at CMC Steamboat Campus within about a week.

  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 54
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